Laguna Road Number One

This large 1990’s era home built on thirty acres of hilly wine country land. The client had rented the property for more than twenty years. It had not only suffered the wear and tear of a rental but also had a poorly laid-out floor plan. We worked closely with the client to determine the scope of work and to create a highly detailed project budget. We proposed several improvements to both the interior and exterior of the building. This included lowering the entry area to match the floor level of the main floor, removing a wall between the living room and kitchen, rebuilding the interior and exterior stairs, creating a new deck and remodeled bathrooms. As Designers/Builders we endeavor to unify the interior and exterior spaces using materials, texture and color and to tie spaces and elements together. An example of this is the interior stair railings are matched with the deck railings. This thematic approach to the design process creates a sense of visual symmetry to a project.